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Ph.D. (DocSoCSci), University of Warsaw, History and Applied Social Sciences (2019)

M.A. University of Warsaw, Information Science and Book Studies: information and knowledge management (2008)

B.A. University of Warsaw, Library and Information Science: librarianship (2006)

Comparative Religious Studies, Jagiellonian University (2001-2006)

post-graduate studies: International Law and Foreign Service, University of Warsaw (2018-2019)

certificate, Interfaith Conflict Resolution – course by United States Peace Institute (2009)

graduate of the OSCE-ODIHR Training for Trainers Against Hate Crimes (2018)


PhD research:  Memory of the Holocaust in the Process of Shaping Collective Identity. Education in National Museums in Poland and Israel after 1995 (pol. Pamięć o Zagładzie w procesie kształtowania zbiorowej tożsamości. Edukacja w muzeach państwowych w Polsce i Izraelu po 1995 roku) under the supervision of prof Małgorzata Melchior and prof Aneta Gawkowska, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland (2008-2019)

MA research: Gift, Exchange and Trust. Information (its role, management and access to information) in modern society on the example of free-hospitality networks, University of Warsaw, 2008.

BA research: Genealogia Zydów Polskich: źródła i metody badań (eng. Polish Jews Genealogy: Sources and Methods of Research), University of Warsaw, 2006.



2009/2010: sociology of morality (seminar, 2 groups: 30 teaching hours each), introduction to sociology (seminar, 2 groups: 30 teaching hours each);
Auschwitz as a Challenge for Modern Society (field seminar, 1 group: 30 teaching hours), University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland


Memory and Web 2.0. – seminar for youth of Central-Eastern Europe, Maximilian Kolbe Werk, Oswiecim-Harmeze, Poland (2011);

Trainer, B-Young, seminar for youth workers and young activists of NGOs and national youth councils of the Baltic Sea region under Lithuanian Presidency of The Council of the Baltic Sea States, Vilnius, Lithuania (2010);

trainer, 65 lat po Auschwitz | 65 Jahre nach Auschwitz, seminar for youth on the occasion of 65th anniversary of liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, Maximilian Kolbe Werk, Oswiecim-Harmeze, Poland (2010);

trainer, Faith & Dialogue, SALTO TC, training course for youth-workers, Belfast, Northern Ireland (2008);

trainer and course director, Empowering Young People Through Human Rights Education, study session for students, European Youth Center – Strasbourg, JECI-MIEC European Coordination and Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France (2008);

trainer, Gallery of Diversity, Academy of Diversity – training for trainers, MDSM, Mikuszewo, Poland (2008);

trainer, Religion Contributing to Human Rights Education, study session for students, European Youth Center – Strasbourg, JECI-MIEC European Coordination and Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France (2006);

trainer and course director, Summerweek 2006: Youth Inter-religious Dialogue as a Bridge to Peace, KIK (Club of Catholic Intelligentsia) and EUJS (European Union of Jewish Students), FEMYSO (Forum of Muslim Youth and Students Organizations) and WSCF-Europe (World Students Christian Federation – Europe), Oświęcim, Poland (2006)



Koszewska, I., Średniawa, M., Koszewska, J.M., Internet i nowe technologie w zapobieganiu samobójstwom. Raport na zlecenie MAiC (eng: New Technologies in Suicide Prevention. Report for Ministry of Digital Affairs), Ministry of Digital Affairs (2016).

Koszewska, J.M., Empowering Youth through Human Rights Education. Study session report. European Youth Center Strasbourg – Council of Europe (2008).

Koszewska, J.M., Religion Contributing to Human Rights Education. Study session report. European Youth Center Strasbourg – Council of Europe (2008).

Koszewska, J. M., Bazerkovska, J., Kunz, D. et al., T -kitt for Inter-Religious Dialogue for Youth, a youth friendly manual for interreligious dialogue, Council of Europe/ European Youth Forum (2008).


Koszewska, J. M., „The Trinity: Religion, Culture and Identity. The known and unknown”, Coyote magazine, Council of Europe (2007);

Koszewska, J. M., „Jewish – Catholic Dialogue among Students in Poland”, Forum, Pax Romana – International Movement of Catholic Students, Paris, France (2005);

Koszewska, J. M., „Marsz Zywych” (eng. March of The Living), Forum ZNAK, ZNAK (2003);

Koszewska, J.M., Przastek-Samokowa, M., „Audyt informacyjny” (eng.: Information Audit), in: Organizowanie Srodowiska Informacji i Wiedzy (eng. Organizing Milieu of Information and Knowledge), (scientific seria: Miscellanea Informatologica Varsoviensia), SBP (eng. Association of Polish Librarians): Warsaw, Poland (2008).


Koszewska, J.M., Doświadczenie Holocaustu. PTSD w Drugim i Trzecim Pokoleniu Dzieci Holocaustu (eng. Experience of Holocaust. PTSD (post-traumatic stress dissorder) in the Second and Third Generation of the Children of Holocaust) – final essay on the course „Doświadczenie Holokaustu na przykładzie Getta Warszawskiego” (eng. Experience of Holocaust on the Example of Warsaw Ghetto), course directors Barbara Engelking-Boni, PhD and Jacek Leociak, PhD, Uniwersytet Warszawski.

Koszewska, J.M., Proces asymilacji u Karaimów w Polsce Powojennej (eng. Assimilation Process at the Community of Karaim in the Post-War Poland) – final essay on the course of „Socjologia Religii” (eng. Sociology of Religion), course director Irena Borowik, PhD, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland.



Invited lecture Memory and un-memory about Jews in Poland Beit Lohamei Ha-Getaot (eng.: The Ghetto Fighters’ House) and Polish Institute in Israel, Israel 2012

Conference presentation: Working with subject of Holocaust. Experience and narrative of museum guides – comparative study in Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial Site and State Museum in Poland, and the Yad Vashem Institute in Israel, International Symposium „Perceptions of the Holocaust and Contemporary Antisemitism” Berlin 2011

Conference presentation: Phantom-pains of Poland: A Post-traumatic Reaction To The Lost of Jews Caused by Holocaust, ESA Annual Conference, Geneva 2011

Conference presentation: Holocaust in Europe : Memory and Identity Today, ESA Annual Conference, Geneva 2011

Conference presentation: Holocaust. Trauma, its transmission and connection with identity

Panel discussant, Next 20 years: Young Activists’ Perspective, 20th Anniversary of Formation of the Tadeusz Mazowiecki Government (first post-war non-communist goverenement), University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland (September 13, 2009);

Panel discussant of European Youth Forum, Good Governance of Cultural and Religious Diversity and The Role That Youth Play in It, First Meeting of GoF Focal Points of countries of UN Alliance of Civilizations, Paris, France (October 2-3, 2008);

Presentation, Women in Poland: their role in Church and society, First Meeting of the Women’s Vision (in 2008 group renamed for International Secretariat of Gender Equality and Women’s Issues (ISGEWI), Pax Romana ICMICA/MIIC Europe, Praha, Czech Republic, (January 20-22, 2006);

Trainer of session: Religia i kultura: pozytywna różnorodność czy powód do dyskryminacji? (eng. Religion and culture: positive diversity or a reason for discrimination), Akademia Trenerów Różnorodności (eng. Academy of Diversity Trainers) (training for trainers), MDSM (International Youth Meeting House), Mikuszewo, Poland (October 12-14, 2007);

Lecturer, Polska Młodzież żydowska – współczesny portret (eng. Polish Jewish Youth – modern portrait), together with Jan Dawid Gebert, 3rd edition of the Jewish Day at University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland (May 5, 2005).

Presentation Pomarańczowa Rewolucja na Ukrainie (eng. Orange Revolution in Ukraine), together with Jan Dawid Gebert, for  Rotaract (young section of Rotary International) Zamek, Warsaw, Poland (November 2005).


Faith-Based Expert Group (youth expert group on intercultural and inter-religious dialogue), European Youth Forum (2005-2008).


KIK (Club of Catholic Intelligentsia) (1994-present)
– board member of Students’ Section (2005/06),
– Coordinator of ecumenical, inter-religious and international affairs (2001-present),
– Presidium of the Board member (2008-April 2010),
– vice-president (2010-2012);

Pax Romana ICMICA/MIIC (International Catholic Movement for Intellectual and Cultural Affairs)
– European Liason Committee member (2008-2012);

JECI-MIEC European Coordination (European federation of catholic students’ organizations)
– Board Member, (2005-2007),
– European Coordinator/European Secretary (2007-2008);

Religions for Peace
– co-founder and elected Core Group member of RfP – European Inter-faith Youth Network (2008-2013),
– Coordinating Committee member, RfP – European Women of Faith Network (2008- 2012),
– Governing Board member, Religions for Peace – Europe (2009-2013);
– European Council of Religious Leaders – council member (2011-2013);

International Film Festival “Jewish Motifs – HaMotiv HaJehudi”
– Co-organizer (2004- present),
– Coordinator of Volunteer Program (2004-2007),
– Coordinator of Contacts with Jewish Communities and Organizations (2005-2007)

Wikimedia Poland Association
– Member of the Collegial Court (2014-present)
– Arbitraty Committee Member at pl.wikipedia (2018-2019)

Modern Poland Foundation
– Member of the supervisory council (2014)
– President of the supervisory council (2015-present)


Council of European Bishops Conference’s fellowship for participation in the „Role of women in peacebuiling” seminar in the UN in New York, USA. 2008.

Fellowship for young journalists of European countries, program on the European institutions and challenges they face, Semaines Européennes de la Communication (eng. European Weeks of Communication, Universite Catholique de Lyon, Strasbourg and Lyon, France. 2003.

Award for the leadership and contribution to the catholic students’ movement, 90th anniversary of the Pax Romana movement, Köln, Germany. 2012.

Silver Cross of Merit of the Republic of Poland, Warsaw, Poland. 2013.

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